Sara Sandoval Sara Sandoval

Chinampa Letters #1

A letter from chinampera Lizbeth Mariana Martínez López, plant vendor at Mercado de Productores.

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Sara Sandoval Sara Sandoval

Chinampa Letters #2

A letter from chinampera Maricela Valderrama Flores, plant vendor at Mercado de Productores.

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Have an idea?

We're calling all writers, storytellers, and creative minds to share your insights and experiences on our blog. Whether you are a local, have visited Xochimilco or are simply inspired by its magic, we want to hear from you! Join us in showcasing the uniqueness of this special place by submitting your  stories, insights, and perspectives. Together, let's inspire and educate others about the wonder that is Xochimilco!

We welcome your submissions to Chinampas Xochimlco. While sharing your stories, commentaries, analysis, etc., we ask you to base your writings on facts or drawn from your expertise or experience,  and delivered in your own voice.  If you are sharing someone else's work, we ask that you credit them.  Please keep in mind — especially if you have a submission on a timely or developing news story — that it may take at least a day before someone can review submissions sent through this form.